
Welcome! My name is Chris Robertson. I live in Northern California and have been practicing yoga for 14 years. I was originally drawn to alignment-based yoga as a natural way to help heal a major low-back injury. What I found in yoga was more than a way to heal my back; I found awareness of my body, movements, and muscles. I found an inner light that I didn't know I had. I found community. I found an amazing mentor, Linda Oelschlaeger (check her out here! Matthews Yoga). And, I discovered my passion for sharing the beauty of yoga with the people around me. This in turn led me to enter and complete the 230-hour Yoga Teacher Training Program at Asheville Yoga Center. This program provided me with a strong base of yoga knowledge to help me grow my own practice and to share yoga with others through teaching. To further my education, I completed the 500 RYT Advanced Studies Program in 2019, also through Ashevillle Yoga Center.

My classes provide a strong and safe foundation of alignment, accompanied by a mix of grounding, flow, strength, balance, and breath. I strive to provide an experience that is safe and relaxing, yet challenging and fun. I encourage students to quiet their minds, listen to their bodies, and be present for their personalized practice.

I am currently offering Zoom Yoga on Saturday mornings, a light-hearted and accessible practice suitable for all levels. I am also available for private instruction via Zoom.

I look forward to seeing you on the virtual mat!

With gratitude,

For more information, contact me.


"I have been a seeker and I still am, but I stopped asking the books and the stars.

I started listening to the teaching of my Soul." ~ Rumi